czwartek, 29 października 2015

My English books

I must repeat English classes. It can seem strange, but I feel glad about it :). Why? Because thanks to it, I can improve my English and learn more and more. I weekly have about 7,5 hours of English (the classes at university and at private classes). Today, I want to tell you about the great grammar books which I use. If you need the English grammar book, I will recommend you two Polish books written by Andrzej Michalski. There are “Angielski – Korepetycje. Część 1” and “Angielski – Korepetycje. Część 2”. There are a lot of theory and even more the exercices. Michalski explains the grammar questions very clearly and I think that each of you understand everything. The first part contains the basics questions, however the second part contains the questions more difficult. Each chapter contains a lot of exercices in which we translate whole sentences and exercices to choose: A, B, C or D. Moreover, the books contain answers too.
I use the books “Grammarway 2” “Grammarway 3” and “Grammrway 4” too. These books have the explications in English. 

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