czwartek, 14 stycznia 2016

Body Worlds

A few month ago I visited with my boyfriend the Menschen Museum in Berlin where we were watching Body Worlds exhibition. This exhibition was made by Gunther von Hagens, is a German anatomist who invented in 1977 the technique for preserving biological tissue specimens called plastination. He is called Doctor Death by some media. This is the exhibition of real human bodies. One see there the human body in different positions, for example: a couple in embrace, an archer, a sportsman who jumps across the crossbar or a thinker. Their aim is to pay attention to movement system, nutrition and respiration. The subject of the exhibition are "aspects of life".
Moreover, one can see the different body tissues healthy or ill, for instance: liver cancer or heart after heart attack. In this museum one can see yourself from the inside, each tissue and each organ of our body.
Even though these exhibits arouse interest, there are a lot of active oppositions. The creator of this exhibition said that these bodies come from donations made by donors themselves when they were alive. However, the opponents claim that the part of bodies are the bodies of prisoners bought from the China. I think, that this exhibition is useful because it presents the fragility of life. Besides, it can teach something about the body, for example: that one should take care of your health and don’t smoke.
This exhibition appealed to me very much, because I’m interested in medicine. This exhibition is especially more fascinating for me, because I know that I will never have the opportunity to see the human being inside.

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